Posts Tagged ‘TSR’

Gary Gygax Passes On

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Gary Gygax, one of the co-creators of Dungeons and Dragons alongside Dave Arneson, passed away in his home today at age 69. Well-known for his founding contributions to the ever-popular genre of fantasy and role playing games, Gyax wrote, published and was otherwise involved in more than 80 games, related products and books enjoyed by millions of hobbiests worldwide.

When I was in elementary school, my parents didn’t have money for lunch money so I washed dishes in the school cafeteria. Because I had to work the lunch line during the time when I would normally have lunch, I had to stay in during recess to eat. A Korean boy and a few other children were in the same situation. We used to play D&D together while we ate, and we had a lot of fun anyway even though we couldn’t go outside. I kept those friends all the way through high school and beyond. Thanks, Gary, for the good times. We’ll miss you.

Original forum announcement from Troll Lord Games

CNN News summary