Posts Tagged ‘jobs’

More Job Tips

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

Links are better than attachments. They’re easier and faster to forward and they’re more reliable. You never know if someone is going to be receiving that e-mail on their Blackberry or other mobile device, or low-bandwidth connection.

– [Caveat] If you send a link, make sure your website is up and available. There’s nothing worse than going to view someone’s portfolio and getting a “this user needs to renew their account” message. An attachment is still better than a non-working website.

Tell me what you’re applying for, especially if its a cold contact.

– If you have a video, use a codec you know is pre-installed on most computers -OR- provide a link to where the codec can be obtained from. A codec that’s pre-installed is the better of the two choices.

– On your reel, be specific about which parts are yours. This is especially important on group projects. A shot list is helpful.

– Ditto on code samples.